Standard 9: Recognition and Response to Clinical Deterioration
Western Hospital has adopted a number of organisation wide systems and processes that are consistent with the National Consensus Statement developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare to support and promote recognition of, and response to, patients whose condition deteriorates whilst in hospital. Our Admission Policies and procedures ensure we identify at risk patients and ensure their identified risks can be managed and that they are appropriate for admission to our facility. We encourage patients and their families to assist us with escalating care if required by informing them of recognition and response systems.
Patients whose condition is deteriorating are recognised and appropriate action is taken.
Staff education programs are in place here at Western Hospital to assist in identifying the deteriorating patient and to trigger the appropriate response. Colour-coded charts enable easy identification when a patient’s vital signs are not within normal limits. Staff will respond promptly to a patient who shows signs of deterioration. Equipment and resources to monitor patients is available so that the needs of the seriously ill patient can be addressed in a timely manner.